Women’s Groups

At Mary Immaculate, we understand faith grows in community. You are welcome here. Let’s grow, pray, and serve- together.

Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Our Lady #2337

Catholic Daughters of the Americas strives to embrace the principle of faith working through love in the promotion of justice, equality and the advancement of human rights and human dignity for all.

We meet every 3rd Monday at 6:30 pm at the Spring Lake Event Center


Our local court, “Court Our Lady” has been at Mary Immaculate since 1991. We have undertaken many projects through the years. We have had various fundraisers and the proceeds go to our local project or charity and a percentage goes to National and State organizations.

We regularly collect food, donate diapers and clothing, and more!


Chaplain Deacon Dennis Duffin
Sylvia Vargas Vice Regent
Mary Lou Garcia Recording Secretary
Anali Hernandez Financial Secretary
Jeanette Fey
Piedad Verdiguel
JCDA Liaison
Eileen Thompson
District Deputy
Anna Everage

Spring Lake Event Center


Grupo Germina

Mary Immaculate invita a todas las mujeres a participar del Grupo “Germina”, donde se les brindiran diversas herramientas para fortalecer sus capacidades espirituales, financieras, intelectuales y cuidado de la salud.

Porque, como una tierra hace germinar plantas y como un huerto produce su simiente, así el Señor hace germinar la justicia y la alabanza en presencia de todas las naciones.
— Isaías 61:11

Interested in starting a new ministry?

Contact the office here!